2019 - CSCA08 H3F Introduction to Computer Science
Instructed by Dr. Anya Tafliovich and Nick Cheng
A list of the courses I've TA'd in the past:
2019 - CSCA48 H3S Introduction to Computer Programming
Instructed by Dr. Francisco Estrada and Dr. Marzieh Ahmadzadeh
Instructed by Dr. Francisco Estrada and Dr. Marzieh Ahmadzadeh
2017 - CSCA48 H3S Introduction to Computer Programming
Instructed by Dr. Brian Harrington and Nick Cheng
Instructed by Dr. Brian Harrington and Nick Cheng
2016 - CSCA08 H3F Introduction to Computer Science
Instructed by Dr. Brian Harrington and Dr. Thierry Sans
Instructed by Dr. Brian Harrington and Dr. Thierry Sans
Here are some of the notes I've made for courses over my undergraduate degree. Some courses are not listed due to handwritten notes or lost files.
[Core] Course Notes:
CSCB07 - Software Design
CSCB09 - Software Tools and Systems Programming
CSCB58 - Computer Organization
CSCB63 - Design and Analysis of Data Structures
CSCC01 - Introduction to Software Engineering
CSCC09 - Programming on the Web
CSCC10 - Human Computer Interaction
CSCC37 - Introduction to Numerical Algorithms
CSCC43 - Introduction to Databases
CSCC46 - Social and Information Networks
CSCC63 - Computability and Computational Complexity
CSCC69 - Introduction to Operating Systems
CSCC73 - Algorithms Design and Analysis
CSCC85 - Introduction to Embedded Systems
CSCD27 - Computer and Network Security
MATB24 - Linear Algebra II
MATB41 - Techniques of the Calculus of Several Variables (Incomplete)
[Other] Course Notes:
ANTA01 - Introduction to Anthropology
EESA06 - Introduction to Planet Earth (up to Midterm)
EESA09 - Introduction to Wind
LINA01 - Introduction to Linguistics
MDSA01 - Introduction to Media Studies
MGTA01 - Introduction to Business
PSYA01 - Introduction to Psychology
PHLB09 - Biomedical Ethics
For any concerns or inquiries, email me at brianyx.chen[at]mail.utoronto.ca